Miley Cyrus Drops New Album After Surprise VMA Performance

Miley Cyrus pulled off a surprise to end all surprises when she ditched her hosting duties to perform "Do It," a brand new track that closed out the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. But she even went a step further and announced that her new album "Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz" was available for free download.

The album was available at right after the VMAs wrapped up at around 11:30 p.m. on Sunday, Stereogum reported, but shortly after the link went live, the website crashed due to the amount of traffic.

"Site craaaaaaashed!!! Go to instead!!! #mileycyrusandherdeadpetZ #MCandHerDeadPetz," Cyrus tweeted.

Her new album features 23 tracks in a collaboration with glam rock band The Flaming Lips, Billboard reported. Details of the album were kept under wraps, but a source told Billboard that the record is a project and shouldn't be considered a Miley Cyrus record.

"It's not a Miley record," the source told Billboard. "It's a project she's been working on with the Flaming Lips. It's amazing, it's incredible, it just needs to be understood that it's not a typical, straightforward Miley record - we don't want there to be confusion in the marketplace."

Cyrus dished about her new project in an interview with the New York Times a week before her VMA performance, and gushed about how liberating it is to have full creative freedom at this stage in her career.

"I can just do what I want to do, and make the music I want to make," she told the New York Times. "This music was not meant to be a rebellion. It was meant to be a gift."

Stream Cyrus' new album, "Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz," here.

Miley cyrus