MH370 Mystery: Search Sparked Again By Mysterious 'White Object'

A "white object" was spotted by a French pilot near Reunion Island on Tuesday, according to Fox News, creating excitement in the MH370 search.

The plane was flying at about 10,000 feet when the pilot saw the object off the coast of the island. The report is exciting search efforts, because it was just two weeks ago that French investigators confirmed that a piece of missing Flight MH370 was found at this island in July. After a thorough investigation, the numbers on the found debris were matched to the Boeing 777 believed to have crashed into the Indian ocean.

The plane vanished in March 2014. There were 239 people on board at the time, according to IBTimes. The whereabouts of the plane have been speculated about ever since.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was traveling from Kuala Lumpur International to Beijing when air traffic controllers lost contact with the plane, according to CNN. The plane disappeared over the ocean, leaving no clues behind despite a massive multi-country search effort to locate it. The single piece of debris discovered at Reunion Island in July is the only part of the plane to ever be found.

The white object seen Tuesday has not been spotted again, though a ship was diverted to the area to search for it.

MH370, Plane, Boeing 777, Flight MH370, Debris