'The View': Nurses Respond After Hosts Mock Miss Colorado's Nursing Monologue (VIDEO, TWEETS)

After only one week of being back on air, ABC's "The View" is already sparking controversy. During a panel discussion of the 2016 Miss America pageant, co-hosts Joy Behar and Michelle Collins mocked Miss Colorado Kelley Johnson for her nursing monologue during the talent portion and sparked outrage from nurses on social media, E! News reported.

"The talent, though, I have to say, the woman who won sang opera, and she was incredible. Really good," Collins said. "But then there was a girl who wrote her own monologue, which I was like 'Turn the volume up, this is going be amazing, let's listen'. She came out in a nurse's uniform and basically read her emails out loud and shockingly did not win."

"Why does she have a doctor's stethoscope on?" Behar asked of Johnson, who wore scrubs with a stethoscope around her neck.

Collins back-tracked on her previous comment and explained that Johnson helps patients with Alzheimer's. However, Johnson's monologue spoke out against the exact reason why Behar and Collins mocked her. The point of Johnson's monologue was that nurses aren't "just" nurses and the work they do is valuable in saving lives.

Nurses tweeted their outrage at "The View" and the hosts' Twitter handles using the hashtags "#NursesUnite" and "#NursesMatter."

"@TheView I use my stethoscope every day. I'm #notjustanurse - Im the nurse trying to save your life- YOUR nurse. #nursesunite #NursesMatter," @JKalen tweeted.

"I just helped save someone from the devastating effects of a stroke. What did you do today @JoyVBehar @michcoll? #nursesunite #NursesMatter," @bbyake tweeted.

Watch the clip from "The View" and see the Twitter responses below.

The View, Joy Behar