'My Big Fat Fabulous Life' RECAP: Big Girl Dance Class Performs For The First Time, Whitney Moves Out (VIDEO)

On episodes three and four in season two of TLC's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life," Whitney Thore prepared her students from her Big Girl Dance Class for their first-ever performance, tried water exercising, and moved out of her parent's home and into her own with her friend and former love interest Buddy.

In episode three, Thore secured a spot for her dance class to perform during the seventh inning stretch during a game for local class A baseball farm team the Greensboro Grasshoppers. There was a rain delay though, and the longer she waited to perform, the more nervous Thore felt, but she gave her girls an inspirational speech right before they headed out on the field and reminded them to give it their all.

"Even if dance isn't your biggest thing," Thore said, "I hope that you take this experience and you can apply it to the rest of your life and realize it is never too late to do what you love."

She lived her words of advice when she attended an underwater exercise class at a local public indoor pool. Thore pushed herself out of her comfort zone and invited her mother Barbara to tag along and participate in the class. Thore told a friend that she felt bad for moving out and leaving her mother alone, and hoped the exercise class would be a good opportunity for Barbara to get out and meet new friends.

In episode four, Thore and her friend (and former love interest) Buddy moved into the home they'll be renting together. Thore originally put her plans of moving out on hold when she was diagnosed with prediabetes, but after her successful performance at the Grasshoppers game, she felt that she could continue to push herself to do things she didn't think she could do.

Another thing Thore tackled was driving the moving truck to her home to pick up her things from her parents' house. Her father Glenn was nervous that Thore wouldn't be able to handle driving the truck by herself, and she did fine until she ran over a trash can and had to climb underneath the truck to get it out.

During the moving process, Thore changed into her sports bra and walked past Buddy as he stood shirtless in the kitchen. Her friend teased her about the sexual tension in the house between Thore and Buddy.

As Thore packed up the last of her things, Barbara teared up and came to terms with her daughter leaving home again.

"When your child moves out of the nest, it's really hard no matter how old you are or how old she is," Barbara said.

Watch Thore's breakdown of the episodes below.

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