
Lamar Odom UPDATE: Feared Brain Dead – Family Saying Last Goodbyes (REPORT)

Lamar Odom, the former NBA player and estranged husband of reality star Khloé Kardashian, has been in critical condition since he was found unconscious, face down in a Nevada brothel on Tuesday afternoon, as previously reported by HNGN. Odom has remained unresponsive while under a medically induced coma, and a recent update on his condition claimed that he is clinically brain dead. His family is preparing to say their last goodbyes.

"He is brain dead," an insider told Radar Online. "The tests showed no function."

Odom is hospitalized at the Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center in Las Vegas after his stay at Dennis Hof's Love Ranch in Crystal, Nev., HNGN previously reported. Recently released 911 recordings revealed that Odom had used cocaine and taken at least 10 herbal male performance enhancement pills called "Reload" within a three-day period. "Reload" is deemed dangerous by the FDA.

Doctors are treating Odom's condition as a drug overdose, and his family members are preparing for the worst.

"They're pretty sure this is goodbye, but they're praying for a miracle," a family source told People. "They know that God has the power to heal him, but that's really the last hope at this point. This is really bad."

Kardashian, Odom's estranged wife, has been making all of Odom's medical decisions as the couple is still legally married, according to People. Kardashian and Odom married in 2009, and their wedding was televised on Kardashian's E! reality show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." They filed for divorce in 2013, but the couple signed the documents this past July. Because of a backlog, their paperwork hasn't made it to family court.

"She never dreamed that she'd have these responsibilities, and it's just so overwhelming and unexpected," another source told People. "She had been thinking of him as an ex, so to find out that, 'No, you have to do this.' Well that's really hard for her."

Lamar odom drugs, Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian-West, Kris Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Lamar odom
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