‘Star Wars Episode 7’ RUMORS: Does Luke Skywalker Have an Altered Appearance in ‘The Force Awakens?’

Hey, have you heard about this little movie called "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" that's set to hit theaters in a few months? I'm sure you've seen a few of the teasers and are anxiously awaiting the full length trailer which will debut tonight on Monday Night Football. If you have been waiting patiently, you may have picked up on something: Luke Skywalker is nowhere to be found.

His dialogue in the teaser is taken straight from "Return of the Jedi" for the most part. The only image we get of him is cloaked and ambiguous. Sure, there's this leaked picture which may or may not be official. But whether it's the promotional materials, official movie poster or previous teasers, we haven't caught a glimpse of Mark Hamill as everyone's favorite last remaining Jedi.

Could that have been on purpose? Jabba knows J.J. Abrams loves himself some secrecy, but is it more than that?

"On the other hand, all of us know that Mark Hamill is in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and his name is clearly listed in the credits at the bottom of the poster," Cinema Blend's Eric Eisenberg wrote. "This leaves up with option number two: something has significantly altered Luke Skywalker's appearance, and the folks behind the film aren't entirely comfortable with exposing the hero's new look just yet. It could be anything from a jagged scar, to a missing eye, to a specifically designed mask that actually covers his entire face."

To be perfectly clear, this is just a theory. In no way, shape or form is this an official rumor. But it is an interesting point to consider, especially given "Star Wars'" history with disfiguring people or masking them. It would also help to explain why Hamill has been so absent from the film's marketing, unless another rumor about his role in "The Force Awakens" turns out to be true.

What do you think, Star Wars fans? Let us know in the comments section below.

Star wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VII, Disney, LucasFilm, J.J. Abrams, Luke Skywalker, Mark hamill