Surgeons Discover Toothpick Lodged In Man's Heart

After dealing with nagging chest pains, an Argentinean man was shocked to discover that the cause was an entire toothpick lodged inside his heart, according to Daily Mail.

Horacio Rodriguez, 42, was puzzled as to how the toothpick managed to find its way into his heart, but he did admit, however, that he had been eating a lot of appetizers last year.

In January, he went to the doctor with complaints about chest pains and the doctor ruled that he had pneumonia, but soon after he began exhibiting other symptoms like weight loss and the coughing up of blood.

Luckily, he went for a second opinion and was diagnosed as having a heart infection, and doctors put him on a course of antibiotics, according to the Mirror.

Surgeons went to work on Rodriguez after the incident and found that he had a whole toothpick lodged in his heart. Heart specialist Fernando Cichero gave details on the "unique" and "incredible" discovery.

"First we took the blood out of his heart and then we saw it clearly. It was a toothpick," he said. "I've discussed it with colleagues in Argentina and other countries and no-one's ever heard or seen anything like it before."

Medical experts believe the toothpick may have traveled to his heart through a large vein or his esophagus, according to KRMG.

Heart, Trapped, Weight loss, Blood, Surgeon, Surgery, Unique, Heart disease