Samsung Galaxy View Rumors: Latest Leaks On Samsung's Giant Tablet (PHOTOS)

Samsung has already announced at the Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA) event this year that it is making a gigantic tablet, which will possibly be launched this month. There were few details revealed, as the announcement only served as a teaser. However, those who are curious about the device would be glad to know that there is new information that can provide an idea about the tablet, which Samsung called the Galaxy View.

So far, what is known about the Galaxy View is that it has an oversized 18.4 display. This was confirmed in a leaked data from the Federal Communications Commission in its approval of a Samsung device that sports the same proportions. In addition, the details in the FCC leak purportedly include the device's support for all AT&Ts LTE bands, according to Digital Trends.

Samsung, Smartwatch, Fcc, AT&T