
Lamar Odom UPDATE: Brothel Owner Dennis Hof Says He and Khloé Kardashian Better Pay The $75,000 Bill Or He Will Sue

Love Ranch owner Dennis Hof doesn't care that Lamar Odom and Khloé Kardashian have decided to work out their marriage because he just wants to get paid.

During Odom's three day stay at the brothel where he was found unconscious, he racked up a $75,000 bill to have two women at his beck and call the entire time. Now that he is out of the coma, Hof claims he has been "getting a lot of questions" from Odom's accountants, who are wondering if that large number is a legitimate amount, according to New York Daily News.

If Odom or Kardashian don't pay in full anytime soon, Hof is very ready to sue.

"They're requesting the credit card slips and asking, 'Did he sign them?'" Hof said. "I sent them his driver's license, the slips, some other stuff. I have no problem filing against her or him. Khloé, she's the wife. They're responsible for their debts. Why are they calling me? They need to do the right thing and pay."

Sources at the Love Ranch previously told TMZ that this bill covered the two girls as well as his VIP suite. Hof know that Odom had no problem paying this amount of money as he requested the girls himself and asked for their "undivided attention."

"There was no negotiation. It was his idea," Hof explained. "The girls want to get paid and I want to get paid."

Hof has been particularly disrespectful throughout this entire ordeal, and even told Kardashian to "go to hell" at one point, as her public relations people wouldn't stop calling him, as HNGN previously reported. Kardashian wasn't happy with his comments and kindly asked that he showed some respect and respect Odom's privacy at this time.

Lamar odom, Khloe Kardashian
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