Stephen Colbert Has A Message For ‘Star Wars’ Creator George Lucas (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert, a noted "Star Wars" superfan, dedicated a portion of "The Late Show" Monday night to assure "Star Wars" creator George Lucas he knows what a lightsaber is.

On last night's show, the host told an embarrassing tale about the time Lucas appeared on his previous show, "The Colbert Report," where the pair had a lightsaber battle. He then recalled his 2006 lightsaber battle with Lucas and said it was "the greatest thing to happen to my 14-year-old self, expect that I was 42."

Colbert then dove into a discomforting tale about his interaction with the "Star Wars" creator in which Lucas thought Colbert had no clue what a lightsaber is.

"Before Lucas' appearance on my old show, his people at Industrial Light and Magic warned me that George does not call them lightsabers, he calls them 'laser swords,'" Colbert told the audience. "So during the commercial break, I turned to George and I said, 'Would you like to have a laser sword fight?' He said, 'Sure.' So I'm feeling pretty good about myself until the second before we came back on the air. George leans in and goes, 'You should know most people call them lightsabers.'"

Colbert said he spent the rest of the segment suffering and waiting for the show to go off air so he could explain to Lucas that he did indeed know that most people call them lightsabers.

"I was just calling them laser swords, because that's what you called them in your first draft of the original script when it was called 'The Adventures of the Starkiller: Episode I - The Star Wars,'" Colbert said. "Because I'm your biggest fan, please take me back to Tatooine with you.'"

Check out the clip below:

Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, Star wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, George lucas, The Colbert Report