Adrian Peterson Allegedly Has Second ‘Secret’ Child with Minnesota Waitress

Adrian Peterson reportedly has a second "secret" child. A new report claims the running back for the Minnesota Vikings fathered a child with a nightclub waitress. According to TMZ, the child is a three-month-old little girl who lives in Minnesota with the mother.

The woman reportedly met Peterson at Seven lounge while she was a VIP waitress. Sources told TMZ that the girl has Peterson's last name on her birth certificate.

Allegedly the mother of the little girl mourned the loss of Peterson's two-year-old son on Facebook saying "Today has been a long day finding out my [daughter's] brother passed away and knowing that she never even got to meet him."

TMZ said they contacted the athlete but he didn't return any calls. Peterson is still mourning the loss of his son. According to reports, he had only learned about the little boy two or three months ago. Sources said he was planning a trip to Sioux Falls, South Dakota within the next couple weeks to meet the boy for the first time but rushed to the hospital after hearing about the incident.

Peterson thanked everyone for their support on Twitter and decided to play in Sunday's (Oct. 13) game just two days after the death. He told Fox Sports Laura Okmin that he wanted to get back on the field because it would help him heal.

"My brother passed the night before the combine and I decided to go through with it. The same reason why I will play this week," he wrote. "You may ask why? God wants good to come from it.. We mourn and grieve but Heaven had the baddest welcome party for my son. That knowledge gives me peace. I'm still hurt and feel the pain of life, but I'm able to function because of the peace and joy of knowing my loved ones are in a much better place."

Peterson will be returning to South Dakota for the toddler's funeral and will continue to keep in touch with the boy's mother, TMZ reports.