An estimated 1,500 members of the Church of Latter-day Saints are leaving their church to protest against its newly implemented policy that declares Mormons in same-sex relationships as apostates and does not allow their children to be baptized.
The mass resignation in Salt Lake City was attended by gay, lesbian, and straight couples, and many came with their children. Most of the protesters carried signs with them that say, "Standing on the side of love," and "These policies harm all of us," according to the LGBTQ Nation.
Those who wanted to resign from the church presented their letters to Attorney Mark Naugle on Saturday, which he plans to bring in on Monday.
"We had an incredible turnout," Naugle said, according to CNN. "I was slammed for three hours. Some people stood in line for an hour and a half."
Hundreds of ##Mormons quit church in Utah in protest at same-sex policy
— Mormon Church News (@mormon_news) November 15, 2015
The church distributed "Handbook 1," which contained new rules for the church such as not allowing "natural or adopted" children of same-sex couples to obtain a name and not receiving the church's blessing until they turn 18.
"The fact that it affects children really upset people," Naugle added. "Most people are disaffected from the church already, and this was the final straw."
Todd Christofferson, the leader of the church, explained that same-sex marriage may have been legalized, but it is still a grave sin to the church.
"There's no kindness in misdirecting people and leading them into any misunderstanding about what is true, what is right, what is wrong, what leads to Christ and what leads away from Christ," he said, according to the North Country Public Radio.
"We don't want the child to have to deal with issues that might arise where the parents feel one way and the expectations of the church are very different."