An unlucky black bear got its head stuck inside a milk can in Frederick County, Md., on Monday before wildlife officials came to its rescue and set it free, according to The Washington Post.
Wildlife authorities received a call at approximately 6:45 a.m. from a homeowner near Cunningham Falls State Park reporting a bear on the property who had his head trapped inside a milk jug as it struggled to get the can off. When officials arrived at the scene, they found the adult male bear lying down with the can still on its head.
The officials then tranquilized the nearly 200-pound bear and removed the milk can from his head with the help of an electric hand saw, according to The Associated Press.
"It was calm and relaxed," said Patricia Allen, a spokeswoman from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. She added that using tranquilizers on the animal made the rescue operation "much easier and much safer."
Wildlife authorities shared a picture of the incident on social media, showing the bear with its head in the milk can.
TODAY Wildlife Response Staff assisted this bear in Fred. Co. who had it's head stuck in a milk can. #wildlifeheroes
— MD Wildlife&Heritage (@MDDNRWildlife) November 16, 2015
Last month, in a similar incident, a thirsty leopard got its head stuck inside a metal pot in Rajasthan, India, as HNGN previously reported.