Dog Stands Guard Over Injured, Unconscious Owner After House Fire (VIDEO)

In a heart-warming incident, a pit bull stood guard over her injured owner after a house fire in Landover Hills, Md., reported Life With Dogs.

The fire broke out Wednesday morning, and the pit bull's owner, April Newell, suffered minor injuries, while her father was hospitalized for smoke inhalation and burns.

"She's always been like that. It hurts so much, and I wish she was right here beside me as I'm talking to you," said Newell of the pit bull, Precious, adding that Precious rarely leaves her side, according to CBS News.

Firefighters reported that the dog was not aggressive and just wanted to protect her owner and home. It had to be scared away by spraying a standard fire extinguisher so that emergency workers could provide first aid to the owner.

"My heart broke, it melted when I saw that. When it comes right down to it, a dog is a dog is a dog. And when you look at the video, you have a dog doing what any dog would do, and that's protect its owner," said Sandra Hamorsky, spokesperson for the Maryland Dog Federation, who, along with the owner, is fighting to get a ban on pit bulls, enforced in Prince George's County, lifted.

Apart from the pit bull, her pup Molly, another dog and two turtles were removed safely from the home. Since pit bulls are banned in Prince George's County, the owner has had to relocate her loyal companion. She will, however, get her other dog back.

"She just wanted to protect her mommy; that's all. And her house. I'm glad they survived. We're animal people," said Newell's sister, Megan Sanchez, who lives in Montgomery County and has taken in both her sister and the pup, reported NBC Washington.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Pit Bull, Maryland