Google Wallet Will Now Let Users Send Money Via Text Messages

The new Google Wallet app, which was introduced in September, was launched as a separate application from Android Pay in order to make mobile payment easier, as HNGN previously reported. Users only need to create an account using a debit card or bank account, and they could then send or receive money using an e-mail address. This streamlined system was made even simpler in an upcoming update that will allow sending money through a simple text message.

The process goes like this: "When you send money to a phone number, the recipient will get a text message with a secure link," Google explained in a blog post. This link leads to a page where the recipient can enter his or her debit card information. Once this is done, the fund will now appear on that person's bank account. The process can only take a few minutes!

The old Wallet money transfer process relies on a person's email address as a basis for security. The new method only uses both parties' phone numbers to serve this purpose. This also highlights the fact that it is no longer necessary to go through the lengthy usage process that includes downloading the Wallet app, creating an account and linking a bank account in order to receive money, noted Engadget. The text message will be enough.

It is helpful to point out that the recipient could still receive money even without downloading the Wallet app. This is, of course, certainly not applicable in the case of the person sending money.

The update will roll out for the Wallet app in both Android and iOS platforms in the next few days.

Google wallet, Android, Ios, Mobile Payment