New Batsuit ‘Blew My Mind’ (PHOTO): Kevin Smith Reveals Ben Affleck’s Costume in ‘Batman vs. Superman’ is Sure to Please Fans

Batman will have a new look when the highly anticipated "Batman vs. Superman" movie hits theaters. Screenwriter Kevin Smith spilled some major spoilers during his latest Hollywood Babble-On podcast, Yahoo! reports.

Smith said he got a glimpse of the new batsuit and it's going to "be different from anything we've ever seen before." He told his listeners that the new suit "blew his mind" and he was able to see a picture of Ben Affleck all dressed up in the new costume.

"I saw the Batman costume. More than that I saw a picture of him [Affleck] in the costume... Now, I don't want to give anything away 'cause that is up to them and stuff... but I am going to say this, I instantly bear hugged him [Snyder]," he said. "You have not seen this costume in a movie on film before, and for a comic book fan, it was mind bending. I was like 'Get the f**k out of here,' only you have enough power to pull this off."

Smith along with director Zack Snyder and stars Henry Cavill and Amy Adams held a Q&A in anticipation of the Blue-ray release of "Man of Steel" where he said the director had pulled him to the side to show him a picture of the new suit.

"The costume, it blew my mind," Smith said adding that even hardcore fans will love the new look. "It's its own thing. I was so elated."

There have been several rumors surrounding what the new suit will look like. According to Comic Book Movie, an insider said the new costume is being designed after the 2011 graphic novel "Batman: Noel." The source also said the Batmobile was being built and designed by General Motors at the GM Advanced Design Studio in North Hollywood.

Reportedly it's going to look like the Tumbler, which was featured in Chris Nolan's Batman trilogy. Smith also assured fans there will be no "bat nipple" on the new costume.

What do you think of the new Batsuit?