Nutella Day: Feb. 5 Just Got A Whole Lot Sweeter

There are no words that sufficiently describe how much we love Nutella. A jar will last only a day or two if we're lucky, because as soon as it arrives at home, everything in the kitchen starts calling out for some. Crackers, cookies, ice cream, fruit, smoothies, coffee, bagels, toast, muffins, a spoon - there's no breakfast food or dessert that won't be improved by Nutella.

Feb. 5 is World Nutella Day, and what a wonderful day it is. Sara Rosso, a food blogger, assigned World Nutella Day to Feb. 5 nine years ago, says The Irish Examiner, and since then it's caught on as one of the most-celebrated food holidays.

Rosso moved to Italy in 2003 and realized that Nutella, the wonderful hazelnut-chocolate spread, was somewhat unknown back home in America. She started the day in 2007 to spread the word (pardon the pun). You can read more about Rosso's Nutella journey on her blog.

We're going to help you celebrate World Nutella Day in a few different ways.

First, we'll share three of our favorite Nutella-centric recipes (if you can stand to not eat it right out of the jar):

Nutella Marshmallow Sandwiches on Nutella Hot Chocolate from Brit Co.

Nutella-Stuffed Sugar Cookies from Homemade Hooplah.

Chocolate Banana Crepes from Deliciously Yum.

Next, we'll show you a video by Buona Pappa that shows how to make your own homemade Nutella. It's healthier and preservative-free, so you can sit in front of the TV with your jar and go to town without a care in the world.

Last, we'll give you a blessing to forget the diet today and indulge, at least a little, in some Nutella today. All dietary sins committed today will be pardoned!

Nutella, Cookies, Ice Cream, Coffee, Food, Recipes, DIY
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