‘Star Wars Episode 8’ RUMORS: Ewan McGregor Returning As Obi-Wan Kenobi?

WARNING: The following contains possible spoilers for "Star Wars: Episode VIII."

The plus side of Disney and Lucasfilm pushing back the release date of Rian Johnson's "Star Wars: Episode VIII" is that it gives us fans more time to speculate, theorize and pour over any and all rumors with the fervor of a galactic inspection from General Hux. And believe me, this latest rumor is a doozy.

Kristian Harloff of Schmoes Knows and Collider's Jedi Council is reporting that Ewan McGregor may be returning as a force ghost version of Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars: Episode VIII."

Again, this is just a rumor at this point. It has not been confirmed so don't take it as space gospel just yet. However, it does make sense.

McGregor's portrayal of Obi-Wan, originated by Sir Alec Guinness, is universally agreed to be the strongest aspect of the much-maligned prequel trilogy. So much so, in fact, that it's been rumored that Obi-Wan could receive his own standalone movie in Lucasfilm's new "Star Wars Anthology" series. Add that to the fact that he lent his voice for Rey's Force vision in J.J. Abrams' "The Force Awakens" and you have the makings of a welcomed return.

The other reason it makes sense is because the new "Star Wars" trilogy has been toying with the idea of bringing back Hayden Christensen in some form as well. Whether that would be as a Force ghost or in a flashback remains to be seen, but why not bring back the two central characters of the prequel trilogy if you're already leaning that way? If Luke is going to train Rey, as many believe, it would make sense to have him convene with two of the most powerful Jedi of all time, no? Rey could use Obi-Wan's guidance as she starts on her path to becoming a Jedi.

If "Star Wars: Episode VIII" uses some familiar faces in supporting roles while still maintaining the focus on the new characters, it could be a perfect blend of familiar and new territory. That has to be of some interest to hard core "Star Wars" fans.

"Star Wars: Episode VIII" will arrive on Dec. 15, 2017.

Star wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VII, J.J. Abrams, Disney, LucasFilm, Rian Johnson, Ewan McGregor, Obi-Wan Kenobi