'Pokemon' UPDATE: New Legendary Character Debuts This Summer

A new "Pokemon" character called Magiana caused a stir among fans after being leaked in Japan. Classified as a man-made "Pokemon," the mythical creature is set to make its global debut on the cover of the upcoming edition of CoroCoro, a Japanese magazine.

There are still no official images or clear details available that could shed light on Magiana, which would effectively become "Pokemon" number 722. Even the magazine cover was only released by way of a trailer, but the image scans that purportedly show the monster depict a metallic and rounded creature.

What is known about Magiana - aside from its origin as a monster created by man - is that it is 500 years old. It is set to appear in an upcoming "Pokemon" movie called "Volcanion and the Exquisite Mechanical Magiana," according to IGN. The narrative seems to revolve around the conflict between these two characters and involves a secret. CoroCoro has published the plot, which was helpfully translated to English by a fansite called Serebii.

"As Ash and his friends continue their journey, Volcanion drops down from the sky in front of them," the translation read. "Volcanion's object is to recover Magiana, who has been abducted by the 'Azoth Kingdom,' a city of super-machinery."

There is no word yet from The Pokemon Company or Nintendo confirming Magiana or whether it will be part of the "Pokemon" games such as the widely anticipated "Pokemon GO" or "Pokemon Z." Volcanion, however, is officially the newest monster to join the "Pokemon" family in-game. It was unveiled in December after being discovered by fans hidden in the "Pokemon X" and "Pokemon Y" codes, Polygon reported.

Pokemon, Gaming, Video Games, Nintendo