‘Game Of Thrones’ Producers To Give Obama An Early Screening Of Season 6

It must be nice to be the most powerful man in the United States. "Game of Thrones" showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss revealed that President Barack Obama will get to learn the fate of Jon Snow before the rest of the world.

During the "Game of Thrones" world premiere event in Hollywood, Calif., over the weekend, the two confirmed that the president asked to see the first episode from the highly-anticipated sixth season of the hit HBO show ahead of its television debut.

During an interview for HBO's livestream of the premiere, the duo was asked if they had any "Aha, we've totally made it" moments since they started working on "Game of Thrones," and they both revealed that they totally did.

"I think, for both of us, finding out the president wanted advanced copies of the episodes was an aha moment," Weiss said. "That was a very strange moment."

"Yes," Weiss said when asked if they obliged the president. "He's the leader of the free world."

"When the commander in chief says, 'I want to see advanced episodes,' what are you gonna do?" Benioff added.

Obama becomes one of the first people, besides those who work on the show, who will be shown new footage from Season 6 due to HBO refusing to send out advanced screenings to the press for the first time since the show started. The decision from the network came after the first four episodes of the previous seasons were leaked to the public before its premiere. This is the first season "Game of Thrones" will go into uncharted waters, as the series has now outpaced its source material, George R.R. Martin's book series "A Song of Fire and Ice."

The president previously confessed that "Game of Thrones" was one of his favorite shows on television and, apparently, also asked director David Nutter about the fate of Jon Snow, who was murdered by his brothers at the Night's Watch during the Season 5 finale.

"Three weeks ago, I was the in the company of the President of the United States," the director said. "He turned to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, 'You didn't kill Jon Snow did you?'"

"'Jon Snow is deader than dead,'" Nutter said he replied.

For everyone who is not the POTUS, "Game of Thrones" returns April 24.

Game of Thrones, President Barack Obama