Is anyone else disappointed with the second season of "Fear The Walking Dead" so far? The show's first season was far from perfect, but I liked how it emphasized the characters over everything else. Some complained about the slow pace of the first six episodes, but that's what separated it from its more popular big brother "The Walking Dead." "Fear" seemed like it wanted to take its time to tell a story about actual people.
But this season, "Fear The Walking Dead" has abandoned that structure in favor of a Challenge of the Week format. I'm not saying that I don't still enjoy the show; it's good for a shut-your-brain-off type of hour. But the ambitions of the first season have given way to something far simpler and less challenging. What could have been...
None of this means that we can't still have fun with "Fear The Walking Dead," so here are some spoilers courtesy of Fear: The Spoiling Dead Fans for this week's episode, titled "Captive."
To recap:
-Alicia and Travis have been taken by Connor and his group of sea pirates. They're being held on a large ship in dock. I can already tell that this is not going to end well for any involved.
-Travis stumbles across someone he knew before the world started to end. A familiar face is usually a pleasant surprise. In "Fear The Walking Dead," it could be dangerous. Let's see if this familiar face will help Travis or make his situation worse.
-Alicia may have actual feelings for Jack for some reason but is still mainly concerned with the safety of her and her family. She better do her best Cersei Lannister impression and start manipulating people soon, or else her and Travis are in for some trouble.
-Connor, by the way, is the leader of this pirate group. Is he being set up as the first Big Bad in "Fear The Walking Dead?" It's hard to tell. We'll have to see how much wear the series thinks they can get out of this storyline.
-It sounds like some people will die in this episode, though none of the main characters. It doesn't look as if Travis and Alicia will be rescued/escape anytime soon. How will that impact both groups moving forward?