How To Sync PS4 and PS Vita Together Via WiFi

The PlayStation 4 was one of the hottest selling gifts this holiday season. The device can do a lot of impressive things, but one of the features that has flown under the radar is its integration with the PlayStation Vita hand held gaming device. For those who are the proud owner of a new PlayStation 4 and want to learn about the new remote play feature, you're in luck as below is a guide on how to make Remote Play work with your new console, courtesy of IGN.

Remote play will allow PS4 users to play console games through their PS Vita. Once you update the software on both platforms to the most recent firmware, you'll fine a new prompt on the PS Vita that reads "PS4 Link." This will search for active PlayStation 4 consoles in the proximity of the Vita's range.

You must first allow your PS4 and Vita to link up to one another. Go into your PlayStation 4's "Add Device" screen and find a temporary code that you can input on your PS Vita device. This will grant access across the two platforms. Once you do this, you'll be able to instantly peruse the Remote features. This only has to be done once in order to enable continuous use of Remote Play.

According to IGN, syncing the two devices requires a sturdy WiFi connection, but is seamless once it's done. Users will be able to control their PlayStation 4 games with their Vita using the small screen. Controller options will reset once you switch back and forth, so getting familiar with your game's Controller Settings menu might be required.

Remote Play has a limited range and requires the user to operate his or her Vita in within the same vicinity of the WiFi network that you're operating on. If you take the Vita outside the range of your network, it could result in connectivity problems. 3G will not support Remote Play

For a more complete rundown of how the PlayStation Vita's Remote Play will work with the PlayStation 4, you can find it HERE via IGN along with information about the PlayStation 4 companion app.

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