Could Samsung appease flak by ressurecting flip-phones?

Samsung has been working on its new smartphone, codename: Veyron, which is rumored to be a new version of flip phone with more powerful processor.

This will become a re-invention of the flip phone on a high-end level from the Korean electronic manufacturer.

The rumor about Veyron has been around for months. According to GSM Arena, Samsung Veyron is Galaxy S7 reborn in clamshell form.

The phone is reported to be equipped with a Snapdragon 820 chipset with 4GB of RAM and running Android 6.0.1. Last month, talks have it that Veyron will be powered by Exynos 8890 chipset.

But as China, which was the biggest market for flip phone, has Samsung Galaxy S7 with Snapdragon power already. Therefore, the Korean giant decides to use the same specification for Veyron.

According to Ubergizmo, the new smartphone will be built as a flip phone just like its predecessor, Galaxy Folder 2, which was also powered by Android OS.

Until now, Samsung still releases a limited version of flip phone in China as its biggest market. Although some people consider the form factor as outdated, the models are still popular in China.

Therefore it will not be a surprise if Samsung eyes the high-end market for flip phone and developing a new model.

Samsung Veyron will be a 4.2-inch display flip phone with a 1080 x 1920p resolution with Full HD capacity.

There is also another reason why Samsung need to launch this kind of phone in China. Recently, Samsung faces problem with its Samsung Galaxy series. Many customers reported their Samsung Galaxy Note 7 have burst into fire. Following the investigation, Samsung recalled 2.5 million of its flagship smartphones just two weeks after they were launched, according to US News.

Therefore, Samsung deem to be necessary to win back the heart of Chinese customers by providing them with the old style flip phone with a new look.
