UFO sighting: NASA images show mystery Blue Sphere near sun

Fascinating images of a gigantic blue sphere near the Sun have been captured in the past week.

One huge, blue sphere spotted in front of the Sun by Nasa cameras has immediately arrested ufologists. It was put up by Facebook user Pamela Johnson from Mexico, who shared the mysterious images on Facebook. She said that the Sun reacted to the object in the middle of November.

It was a huge sphere that suddenly just appeared "out of nowhere" on November 15th, surprising everyone who was watching TVOne. A YouTube observer said that it "certainly does look exceptional."

Captured by Nasa's STEREO H1 satellites, the blue sphere was seen by Johnson. She said that a number of frames were not present in the feed just a few days after the strange sight suddenly appeared, she said.

She wrote: "Our Sun is casting the light that is coming in from the left side of the frame. This satellite's archives showed the Sun began reacting to this object on November 15th and there are several frames missing on the 15th and 16th. Wow!" The blue sphere photos were uploaded in a YouTube video and viewed more than 67,000 times. Half the readers were thrilled, while the other half seemed to be sceptical.

A number of comments were forthcoming from various observers, some of which were sceptical, while others were amazed.

A YouTube account named mrfaithandphysics said: 'It certainly does look exceptional and I'm stumped.

'I'd say rouge planet, but we don't see it moving and then it's gone."

"However, a more skeptical Mike Sovereign said: 'ok if you ask me, nasa would never be so careless to allow something like this to reach the public . And it looks like something is projecting this.' image in space , hallographic perhaps or project blue beam.'

While Johnson had called it a 'Blue Sphere', NASA explained it as something else. It said that "on rare occasions" the image processor can become "overloaded" resulting in "corrupted images." These images are created from "a large number of exposures" added together. In this particular case, the image is only just the sun, although overly exposed, and not "project blue beam."
