The First Lady Melania Trump, opens to the media and public the House Rose Garden Restoration which is an iconic part of American culture. This would be her backdrop when she delivers a speech for the Republican National Convention.
First views of the rejuvenated and manicured lawn were shown last Saturday when it was completed. This is a project of Mrs. Trump who wanted to spruce up the Rose Garden for the upcoming RNC.
The start of the renovations has been going a month ago. The FLOTUS announced that renovations of the legendary garden will be done to update the classic landscaping of the entire garden space. Some aspects of the New Rose Garden will change in the pattern of the plants. Walkways will be replaced by new limestone walkways or slabs, reported CNN.
From the start of the construction, all the press briefs about COVID-19 were held there. The bigger space in the garden allows more social distancing and in this space, White House VIPS can be more relaxed.
According to CNN, the space in the White House is one on the list of the First Lady for her speech. The Republican Party will have its convention for next week where President Trump is giving his address to the convention on the South Lawn, cited Wink News.
The place is scheduled for a closed reception with a selected guest list that will be done in the First Lady's renovated Rose Garden on Saturday. One of the attendees will be Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence. Before the scheduled socials, CNN has asked White House administrator for the guest list of those expected to attend.
The theme for the newly restored garden is the original layout and formation of the original Rose Garden. This place was first done by John F. Kennedy, with the help of Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, who is a horticulturist and philanthropist, way back in 1962. A Democrat design was the exact inspiration for the First Lady. Till now, the garden has not been renovated since.
Renovating the garden is not just about giving it a new look but the design is functional as well. There are facilities for audio and visual with lighting, including access for television cameras.
Not all are happy with the renovation
A former reporter from the New York Times, Kurt Eichenwald criticized the First Lady and the renovation of the iconic garden. He said on Saturday that she was a foreigner that got negative reactions from other reporters. They begged to disagree on his slanted comments.
In his tweet, he objected to what Mrs. Trump has done, arguing that the Rose Garden is holding that much significance, and targeting the First Lady.
He later amended his tweets and apologized for what he said, giving some reasons why he reacted that way.
In a tweet, Trump talked about the amazing renovation done in the garden, thanking those who worked in making it gorgeous. He posted a tweet about the garden taking twenty-one days to finish.
First Lady Melania Trump's inspiration is to bring back the 1962 layout of the Kennedy administration House Rose Garden Restoration signifying a look backward and forward to the future.
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