Is a black hole a portal for time travel to get to the past or future if that is possible, or is it?
Time Travel Through an Enigmatic Black Hole
No technology exists yet to build a starship that can reach any black holes close to the Milky Way. Though attempting to go close to these space-time anomalies can be terminal for anyone, reported Live Science.
They are massive objects in space-time after a dying star has fallen in on itself gravitationally. All over the cosmos, all objects like planets and stars have a gravity all around them, and it keeps people on Earth.Gravity is everything on Earth and keeps revolving around the Sun. Smaller objects in the universe don't exert as much gravity as larger ones.
It is what gives rockers a hard time reaching space. Even then, rockets need to be powerful to leave the local gravity of the planet, noted NASA Space Place.
A spatial anomaly has the strongest gravity that consumes even photons, so light as the fastest thing makes it impressive. These galactic objects are dark because it eats all matter.
Where Do Black Holes Lead to: Past or Future?
Einstein's 'General Theory of Relativity' says that matter and energy can alter space by bending o stretching. The biggest objects will wrinkle and tear space-time more than smaller ones like a planetoid, states Science Mag.
Big objects will create a depression in space that tends to cause other objects to fall into the crease in the fabric of reality, which is like falling into a spatial anomaly where light cannot escape.
A spatial anomaly makes valleys in space-time that gets steeper coming from a distance, but at the event, the horizon is where light and matter cannot escape.
Time Slows Down as Space Expands
From the event horizon, time is very pertinent when something falls into it that stretches space, and time is going in slow motion, especially in massive black holes.
For example, one earth year in a spatial anomaly is 80 years! Compared to a regular time, where it is slower. This might be used to go from past to present; it's easy as flying close to one and going back to Earth. Time goes slower in the center of spatial anomaly, black holes, but never dives into the event horizon.
Such objects bend time to stretch to the far past, like bending paper from end to end. These objects are like natural time machines, enter a loop called a close time-like curve that begins in the future ending in the past,
In the loop, the cause and effect unravel, wherein past and future are leaking into each other. Find one of these spatial anomalies and then see the dinos back in time. But no one knows how far time will travel back and entering the event horizon then exiting faster than light; good luck then.
Or get ripped apart by the black void and have atoms scattering in the spatial anomaly. Time and the black hole to travel time to get to the past or future can be dicey, per The Conversation.
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