A pair of beloved bald eagles named "Nick" and "Nora" by neighbors have been searching for their 9-week-old eaglets since a storm with hurricane-force winds damaged the family's nest in Dallas, according to a report Saturday.
Heartbreaking photos show the majestic birds squawking from a broken tree limb near the White Rock Lake reservoir, where they've lived for the past three years, CNN said.
The eagles, named after the husband-and-wife detectives from the "Thin Man" series of movies from the 1930s and 40s, have also been spotted circling overhead to try to spot their eaglets on the ground.
"It hurts," said Chris Giblin, one of several amateur photographers who have been documenting the avian family. "It hurts to see them hurting. Nothing is promised when these storms come through."
A neighborhood resident found one of the baby birds soaked and shivering after Tuesday's storm toppled trees in the area, friend Bryna Thomson told CNN.
Brett Johnson, an urban biologist for the Dallas Park & Recreation Department, said he got permission from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to handle the federally protected bird and move it to a rehabilitation facility that specializes in treating bald eagles.
"It was definitely stunned," Johnson said. "I am very hopeful, fairly confident, it's going to be rehabbed."
Officials and biologists are developing a plan to return the bird to its nesting area but there's been no sign of its sibling, and neighbors fear the worst, CNN reported.