‘The Walking Dead’ Season 5 Spoilers: Robert Kirkman Says Daryl Dies in Season Premiere?! Was he Joking?

"The Walking Dead" creator Robert Kirkman is usually very careful about not revealing spoilers about the zombie apocalyptic show, but he called into Entertainment Weekly Radio (SiriusXM, channel 105) and dished on the premiere episode.

Here's what Kirkman had to say about the first episode: (but we should warn you, you might want to brace yourselves).

"There's a lot going on with Terminus," he said. "In our premiere episode of Season 5 we're going to give a ton of answers of who the people of Terminus are, what they're doing, why they're doing it, what's going on with them. And by the end of that episode you're going to have a much better understanding of what's going on with them and why they're so important to the show."

What Kirkman said about questions being answered shouldn't come as a surprise because he's said that in past interviews. But what really got our heart racing was what Kirkman said next.

"Oh, and Daryl dies," he told the radio station.

WHAT?!? EW didn't say whether Kirkman added a "just kidding" or if he laughed after saying it, but we think he might have been joking. Kirkman knows how upset fans would be if Daryl died plus, he isn't likely to reveal a major, major spoiler like that.

The executive producer also confirmed what we already know: that Rick Grimes and his fellow train car captives escape Terminus.

"They definitely get out of that train car," he told the magazine. "They do not spend the entirety of Season 5 in that train car. It is through ingenuity and creativity and somewhat savageness that they are able to make their way out of that train car."

Kirkman didn't dish on what's happening down in Atlanta, where the show is currently filming Season 5, but thankfully we have The Spoiling Dead Fans to provide fans with that intel. The latest scoop from the group includes a "church bus" crashing and an army vehicle.

According to the site, fans spotted an overturned bus that was marked "church bus" with smoke around it. The group didn't report any walker sightings by the bus crash and are not sure which actors were present for that particular scene.

Later on the group uploaded a photo of a creepy road with skid marks marking where the bus went down.

"The bus has been removed but you can clearly see the tire marks on the road from the crash. Also yelling can be heard towards the train tracks but you can't make out what is being said. Walkers are also in the woods."

It's not clear where the bus came from, what's it is (or isn't) connected to and who was on it. The group also said that a large army vehicle was spotted nearby.