‘The Walking Dead’ Season 5 Spoilers: Glenn Killed by Negan Teaser was “In the Trailer for a Reason’ (VIDEO)

Fans of "The Walking Dead" got their first glimpse at Season 5 when the trailer was released last month during San Diego Comic-Con and immediately they noticed that Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun) was in a really bad situation: tied up and gagged with a crazy-looking man swinging what could be a baseball bat at his head.

The brief clip led many to believe that Glenn might be killed this season and Negan could make an appearance. There have been rumors that Negan was going to be added to Season 5. In the comics Glenn does die at the hands of Negan, who beats him to death with a barbed wire bat, but the show is known for tweaking storylines between the comics and the TV show.

Yahoo recently caught up with Greg Nicotero and asked him about that Glenn-Negan scene.

"I can say I'm glad you caught that. And that your intuition... I can't say. I can't say. I can say that it's in the trailer for a reason," Nicotero said.

What reason is that? We have no idea. It could be a hint at things to come for Glenn but it could be absolutely nothing. Showrunner Scott Gimple also talked about that scene to The Hollywood Reporter and suggested that people "go back and see if there was barbed wire around the bat."

"We can see anything this season. Anything is possible - and good eye," creator Robert Kirkman added.

When we went back and re-watched the trailer (embedded below) we couldn't tell if there was barbed wire around the bat or not; the scene flashed by so quickly. Both Kirkman and Gimple told THR that there is a lot of "misdirection" in the trailer and it includes snippets from several different episodes in the upcoming season.

They also added that Season 5 will stick "pretty close" to the comics but it will "jump back and forth within the comic's timeline," the site wrote.

"There is at least one big moment this season that takes something from the comic that we blew past a year and a half ago," Gimple said. "There are some pieces that are different. There is some stuff that's completely and utterly different from the comic - though inspired [by it] - and circles back to the comic."

"Season 5 possibly has more comic book moments than any season has thus far," Kirkman chimed in. "There's still a lot of ground to cover. There's a lot there that we'll be getting to very quickly and getting to it in interesting, new and different ways where you won't see it coming."