'World Of Warcraft' To Honor Robin Williams After Fans Petitioned Blizzard To Create Character

Blizzard’s “World of Warcraft” have listened to fans asking for developers to honor the last comedian in the game by creating a character in his memory.

A petition started by fans of the Academy Award-winning actor to create a character for Williams, who has been open in the past about his love for the game. According to the petition, the actor loved the anonymity that came with playing the game and being able to roam about the fantasy world.

The petition reads, “Robin Williams was not only an excellent comedian but also a game enthusiast, he said that he enjoys Warcraft III very much in an interview a few years ago, and was even apart of the mmorpg World of Warcraft. It was reported that Robin used to play on the Mannoroth server, and was something of a troll in trade on good days or when anonymity allowed. Mr.. Williams said in interviews that he took his World of Warcraft characters very serious - in fact he was well known for being an extreme PC builder who prefered to build his own overclocked and super-cooled systems.

“He often joked about his WoW addiction but also about the reactions he'd get from other gamers when he admits he plays the game. Because of his presence within our community, we the players of World of Warcraft are asking Blizzard to kindly create an NPC within the game that memorializes the actor/comedian. Many have expressed a wish to this character perform some of Williams best jokes within the Worlds End Tavern, so that he may continue making us smile long after his passing.”

More than 10,000 people signed the petition and Blizzard took notice.

Williams, 63, died on Aug. 11 of an apparent suicide attempt, leaving behind three children, Zak, Zelda and Cody.