'Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1' Reviews: See What Critics And Audiences Have to Say About Jennifer Lawrence's Latest Film

“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1” has fans anxious to see the final installment of the franchise.

Both critics and audiences enjoyed the film, even if some reviewers didn’t care for the pacing of the film as they did with the first two “Hunger Games” installments. Check out what some reviewers had to say about he film below.

The Chicago Tribune give the film 3 out of 4 stars:

“The film works. The scale of these ;Hunger Games' dys-lit film adaptations is large but not misjudged, and there's always a new post-apocalyptic district to explore in detail. From the first, they got the casting so very right with this ongoing project, from Jennifer Lawrence (a crier, but also a fighter, and a fiercely talented performer) on down.”

IGN gives “Mockingjay Part 1” an 8 out of 10:

“We are taken from the most disenfranchised corners of this society, to the heights of power, to the heart of a rebellion. Katniss is stolen, remade, transformed, and used endlessly to serve others’ ends. The Mockingjay is both a hero and a pawn in a game that has gone on for centuries and will likely continue long past her death. Katniss’ true task is to exercise the only genuine power she has: choice.”

Rotten Tomatoes audience users certified the film fresh with an 86 percent rating:

“I loved the book, and this film is hands down my favourite of the three so far. I'd found it strange when it was announced the last book in the trilogy would be split into two films, but boy, did they manage to expand on material without drawing it out too long and making it tedious. For a first-parter, it sure did have enough action to keep my attention,” one user wrote.