‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Trailer Apparently Leaked Online - Here’s What Happens

We have good news and bad news for fans of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." Good news: there could be a leaked trailer somewhere on the internet. Bad news: if it does exist, the trailer is virtually impossible to find.

According to several sites including Moviepilot.com, a supposed "leaked" trailer for Zack Snyder's film surfaced on 4Chan a few days ago. While a thorough search turned up zero results, Moviepilot did come across some intel describing what happens in the rumored video.

It's not clear how long the trailer is, but it supposedly starts with footage from "Man of Steel" and shows a destroyed Metropolis with screaming citizens. Whether the trailer lingers on this image remains a mystery, but Ben Affleck (Batman) reportedly narrates and questions Superman's (played by Henry Cavill) intentions.

"The world has changed with the arrival of the Kryptonians," Batman supposedly says in the trailer before it flashes to a scene with the new Batsuit. "Is Superman here to save us...Or destroy us. I'm gonna find out."

The logo for "Dawn of Justice" then flashes across the screen and the trailer ends. Again, this could all be a huge rumor, but it has been previously reported that in the movie Superman would be viewed as a villain.

Batman-on-film reported that the theme for "Dawn of Justice" was going to be "very anti-Superman" with people marching in the streets to protest the superhero. Set photos also revealed a type of protest against Superman.

"The shape of a plot seems to be emerging - and it might just be one where Superman plays the part of the bad guy, for the first half at least," Moviepilot reported at the time. "If the rumors are true, it sounds as though we're likely to see Batman hunt down Superman - with the backing of the general public - for the first part of the movie."

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Trailer, Leak