Are you unsure about buying sex toys, but curious about using one? Not a problem! There are a few things you already own that you can use to stimulate and titillate for better sexy time in the bedroom. Try using these five items the next time you want to heat things up with your partner:

1) Men's ties or women's stockings

Use soft and silky neckties or stockings as handcuffs. It will be easier to untie and you won't risk losing any keys. "Lie down with your belly to the floor or bed. Bend your legs up and reach back for your feet. Attach the handcuffs around your wrists so that they sit behind the ankles," suggested Kat Van Kirk, a clinical sexologist, via She Knows.

2) Sleep mask

Keep the mystery and spark alive by slipping a sleep mask over your partner's eyes as you stroke and massage his or her body. Sex while blindfolded heightens the senses and can lead to better sex, according to Ask Men.

3) Electric Toothbrush

This is perfect for cleaning off tartar build up, but it can also does wonders for your sex life! Use the opposite side - without the brush - for sexual stimulation. Some electric toothbrush are rechargeable, so you don't have to worry about running out of batteries. Be gentle when using this device as too much rubbing can be painful, not pleasurable.

4) Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

Best for baking or frying, these kitchen ingredients can be sued as lubricants. However, ensure that you or your partner do not have any allergies to prevent libido-killing reactions like hives, asthma or anaphylaxis, according to Live Strong. Label bottles appropriately if you're going to use these in the bedroom. Also, be aware that oil can potentially break condoms, so you have to be extra careful with its use or avoid all-together if you use latex condoms.

5) Spoon or spatula

Use these for playfully spanking your partner during foreplay. "When you have an intimate relationship with objects in your home, you create a sexy overall atmosphere without even knowing it," said sex therapist Ava Cadell via Men's Health.

For more on romance and sex, read Valentine's Day: Top Tips For Better Sex On Love's Day.