Hillary Clinton: State Discovers Hundreds More Emails For Release To Benghazi Panel

A senior agency official revealed Friday that the State Department will give Congress 925 additional emails from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to help with the probe on the attacks in the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya back in 2012.

The official, who requested anonymity, also revealed that these new documents were discovered upon conducting further research regarding the former secretary of state's correspondence in preparation of her appearance before the committee on Oct. 22, according to The Washington Post.

Additionally, the State Department obtained an email chain between Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus that was apparently not contained within the collection of emails she claimed were work-related.

The said correspondence between Clinton and Petraeus were exchanged in 2009, specifically in January and February, according to the Department. Petraeus was then the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) head when Clinton assumed the secretary of state position that same year, Fox News reported.

For the past few months, Clinton has faced a myriad of criticism and concern from the public after reports of her using a private email server instead of a departmental one first came into light back in March, HNGN previously reported.

The FBI has already conducted an investigation on her private email server. Clinton herself even turned them over to the Justice Department. She is set to testify before the Benghazi House Committee this October.

Hillary Clinton, U.S. State Department, U.S. Central Command, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation