Owen Labrie Sentenced To Year In Jail For Prep School Sexual Assault

Owen Labrie, a graduate of an elite prep school in New Hampshire, was sentenced on Thursday afternoon to a year in county jail for sexually assaulting a minor classmate as part of a sexual conquest game on campus.

The judge also ordered Labrie to serve probation and to register as a sex offender for life. He was convicted in August for misdemeanor sexual assault, as well as a felony count for using a computer to entice the girl into a sexual encounter, according to the Associated Press.

Labrie, who is from Tunbridge, Vt., was 18-years-old at the time of the incident while the teenage girl was 15. Labrie had insisted that both had consensual sexual contact.

Labrie's trial uncovered a long-standing tradition at the St. Paul's School known as the "senior salute," where graduating students attract underage students to perform sexual acts with them, according to Reuters.

The victim did not make an appearance in court but did provide a statement through a video link. "What he did to me made me feel like I didn't belong on this planet and that I would be better off dead," the girl said.

The girl added that she did not want to feel imprisoned for the rest of her life. "I want to be safe again. And I want justice," the New York Times reported.

Sexual assault, New Hampshire, Vermont
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