
Thirsty Ringtail Possum Gets Sip Of Water From Friendly Stranger (VIDEO)

Ben Saunders was walking down the street in Melbourne, Australia when he saw a ringtail possum struggling to make her way up a tree. It was 104 degrees out, and the dry heat typical to Australian summers was wearing on the little animal. Saunders did what he knew was the right thing. He slowly walked over and offered the possum a drink of water from his water bottle, according to Providr.

Watch below and see how the tiny possum grabbed onto the bottle and took a nice, long drink:

She drank a big portion of the bottle's contents and looked visibly re-energized, and she was then able to scamper her way back up the tree to her nest. "She was fairly happy to get a big drink of water and is now happily back in the tree in her nest," Saunders wrote on his Facebook page, where he posted the video, which has now been seen over 2.3 million times on Facebook alone.

"It might only be a small ringtail possum but I hate to see any animal suffering," Saunders wrote, according to The Dodo. "Keep an eye out for any wildlife that might be suffering in this insane heat!"

Over 7,000 appreciative citizens of the Internet have commented on the video, all thankful that Saunders helped this little possum out.

Australia, Heat wave, Melbourne, Wildlife, Heat, Summer
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