Google Reveals Its New Project In San Francisco Bay Will Be A High-End Mobile Showroom

"Google broke its silence today regarding a secret project it had been working to develop on a barge in the San Francisco Bay.

"Google Barge ... A floating data center? A wild party boat? A barge housing the last remaining dinosaur? Sadly, none of the above," Google said in a statement. "Although it's still early days and things may change, we're exploring using the barge as an interactive space where people can learn about new technology."

Back in October the structure was discovered by those at the tech news and review website CNET to belong to Google but hadn't heard the company comment on the project until now. Its existence even prompted a visit from the U.S. Coast Guard.

Meanwhile a similar structure was spotted in Portland Maine. Their appearance sparked a wide-spread speculation that Google was building floating data centers to fuel its new project of brining Internet to more areas around the globe, according to USA Today.

According to reports from the local CBS affiliate KPIX, the San Francisco barge will sport a party deck as well as some showrooms that will act to market Google Glass and other gadgets

Google may be building an extragagand gadget showroom on the San Francisco Barge and the Portland location in order to compete with some of Apple's retail stores, which have yielded them success over the years. Such devices often require retail locations where consumers can try them out and taught how to use them by a sales staff how to use the product.

Tell us what you think on this matter. Would you be more keen to purchase a Google-based device if you had the chance to visit a Google exclusive retailer and learn how the device works like you can with Apple products? Comment and share your thoughts on this topic with us below.

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