David Schwimmer Looked Like Kylo Ren In College (VIDEO)

The past cannot be forgotten as long as there is photographic evidence. This was proven by "American Crime Story" star David Schwimmer when he dropped by "The Late Show" to visit his old college buddy Stephen Colbert. The two old friends reminisced about their time together at Northwestern University, but more specifically Schwimmer's hair.

Colbert and Schwimmer both studied theatre at Northwestern and were in an improve troupe called the No Fun Mud Piranhas. While the two reminisced about the old days, Colbert brought out a picture of their improve group and pointed out the hair the former "Friends" star was sporting.

"You have hair that Kylo Ren would love," Colbert teased Schwimmer, referring to Adam Driver's character in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." "Unbelievable. At what point did you give it up? At what point did you give up the hair?"

"I think senior year in college," Schwimmer replied. "I cut it for a show."

"Really? Was it un-castable?" Colbert asked.

"Yeah, it was a lot of maintenance too," Schwimmer laughed.

While Schwimmer was heavily involved with theater and improv during his younger years, he later found out it was not for him and that Colbert was the one who inspired him to get into regular acting.

"I could never keep up. Your mind is just so ridiculously fast," Schwimmer said. "I actually was very grateful for being in that group with you, because I realized, 'Oh, that's why I can't do that. I should go into acting, and not that.'"

Check out the full clip below:

Friends, David Schwimmer, Kylo Ren, Adam Driver, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Northwestern University, American Crime Story