Josh Duggar Leaving Rehab? Troubled Reality Star Due Home 'Any Day' [REPORT]

It's been about seven months since Josh Duggar entered a faith-based rehab center following his molestation and cheating scandals. When the troubled former "19 Kids and Counting" star admitted that he had cheated on his wife and was addicted to porn, he quietly checked himself into rehab, but it looks as though his time away might be coming to an end.

In wake of some of his family members speaking out that they have forgiven him for what he did, rumors started going around that he could be home and reunited with his wife, Anna, very soon. Although his sisters Jessa and Joy did reveal that they forgive him, they still do not trust him, so it'll be interesting to see what happens when he's back with his family.

"He'll be back very, very soon," an insider told People, while another said he's due home "any day" now.

Even though it's been several months since the scandals were made public, his wife is still overwhelmed by it all.

"I don't know what I'm stepping into," Anna says in the new preview clip for "Jill and Jessa: Counting On." "I don't know how to handle each situation. It's not anything I ever would have thought I would walk through. [I tell myself,] 'Just do the next right thing, have the next right response for the next 15 minutes."

Anna spoke out earlier this year about how difficult the past year was for her. "Many have asked how I am doing," she wrote in a blog post. "So many have asked that it's actually humbling and touching. 2015 was the most difficult year of my life. Yet, amazingly I've found that in my own life crisis God has drawn near to me. ('He's near to the brokenhearted' Psalms 34:18) and my faith has been more precious to me than ever before."

She went on to explain how she's been visiting her husband in rehab, as she believes it's "an important step on a long difficult road."

"I want to thank all of you for your prayers and your messages of hope," she added. "I can never express how your kindness and prayers and your messages of hope. I can never express how your kindness and prayers have brought encouragement when I needed it most-outpacing the grief and discouragement at every turn. I trust that God will continue to show His love and tenderness toward us and bring beauty from ashes-somehow-as only He can do. Please continue to pray for me, Josh and our children."

Josh Duggar, Anna Duggar
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