Lindsay Lohan And Russian Millionaire Egor Tarabasov Are Engaged

It looks like Lindsay Lohan is officially off the market! The 29-year-old actress is engaged to her Russian boyfriend, Egor Tarabasov.

News that Lohan was dating the 22-year-old heir first broke last month when she revealed she had a new man in her life.

"I haven't known Egor for that long," the "Mean Girls" star said in an interview. "We've been together for about seven months. He is a great guy. I met him in the summer. I'm really happy."

The troubled actress left all of her problems in New York and Los Angeles behind her and moved to London for a fresh start, where she met her new fiancé. Tarabasov is a Russian-born businessman who currently works in London as the managing director of Home House Estates. He even spent the holidays with Lohan and her family before the couple jetted off to Costa Rica for New Year's together. While on the trip, Tarabasov won over the hearts of Lohan's family, especially her father Michael.

"He has a lot of strong connections in Russia - these are big people and they're very supportive," LiLo's father Michael said of his daughter's new boyfriend. "He wants things to be in the right place for Lindsay and he's wise beyond his years." He added that Tarabasov was "not a good influence, he's a great influence."

While Lohan seems to have turned her life around since she started dating Tarabasov, don't give him all the credit.

"That's the one thing in America they always have done with me," the actress said. "If I have ever been linked to someone, they always say, 'This guy is so good for Lindsay. Look at how he has changed her.' I am just like, 'F--k you,' because I have done this for me. I take care of myself, and then they just set it up to fail. The smartest thing I have done for myself is making the move to London. I came to London by myself. Being here is such a big deal. I didn't have anyone here at first."

Prior to her relationship with her future husband, Lohan was linked to former NFL quarterback and reality TV star Matt Nordgren back in 2013.

Even Lohan's mother Dina seemed to be a big fan of the young mogul.

"He is cute. He's a sweetheart. No, he's just a really good person," she said. "The tabloids are like, 'Oh, he's so much younger.' But he's very mature, very worldly. They love each other."

Lindsay lohan, Michael Lohan, Dina Lohan