Call of Duty Ghosts Multiplayer Game Type 'Heavy Duty' Launches for Free On Most Consoles

"Call of Duty: Ghosts" has released a new free multiplayer mode called "Heavy Duty" just in time for all those who got the game as a Christmas gift to take advantage of.

Those who own the game on any console, except Nintendo's Wii U, can update their game to get the new game type for free. In addition, the update brings some bug fixes and balancing changes as well as some other minor improvements.

According to IGN, Heavy Duty Mode is a new multiplayer playlist that offers a somewhat more stress-free firefight. In the mode, players will have increased health so that the game becomes less about who shoots first and more about the strategy of getting the right position at the right time. For those who want to give their input on their experience with the new playlist, Infinity Ward has established a page to allow users to give it feedback on the mode. So far there is no word on when the new game type will become available for the Wii U version of the game.

In addition to Heavy Duty Mode, the "Call of Duty: Ghosts" patch has added a new loadout to Infected Mode and gave five squad points to each soldier in the first five levels of progression.

IGN notes that, although Heavy Duty is out, there is a Double Experinnce weekend coming between Dec. 27 and Dec. 30 starting at 1 p.m. EST and ending the same time.

Have you been able to try out Call of Duty: Ghosts' new extinction mode? Tell us your thoughts on the new game type, or any other aspect of the new title by EA and Infinity Ward with us below. How has the game been treating you thus far? Comment and share with us. That is, if you can pull yourself away long enough to hit the keyboard a few times.