Pokémon Sun and Moon: Will there be 'Mega evolutions'?

The Pokémon franchise has been at it since 1996 on the hand held video games on the Game Boy, the successful trading card game, the popular mobile game Pokémon Go and many more. The new game for the Nintendo 3DS, Pokémon Sun and Moon is expected to be released this November. And fans have been pretty well psyched about this upcoming game. A new place called Alola to explore that clearly is based from the likes of Hawaii.

New "Alola forms" of Pokemon like Vulpix, Ninetails, Sandshrew and Sandslash ice type have been much talked about. In fact, Exeggutor's Alola version have taken the meme culture by storm. Some kinds of Pokémon have signature "Z-moves" now. And of course, the new generation offers an all-new set of Pokémon to discover. However, most loyal Pokémon gamers would notice that none of the news indicate if there are going to be new "Mega evolutions" for any of the existing Pokemon.

In Pokémon's sixth generation, Mega evolutions were introduced. This was basically a temporary power-up that will make specific Pokémon stronger and look different (more cooler, in fact). Now, this has been an interesting detail in Pokémon for quite sometime. However, official information as to whether Mega evolutions will make their way in Sun and Moon remain unavailable.

According to International Business Times, there have been evidence found by some Reddit users regarding Mega Evolutions in the upcoming Pokemon Sun and Moon roster. Reddit user Dragon_Fang mentioned that the new Pokémon "Jangmo-o" has an ability called Soundproof, which can block another ability called Hyper Voice present in only two Pokémon so far: Sylveon and Mega Gardevoir. The presence of Soundproof in Jangmo-o alone states that there will be other Mega evolutions in Sun and Moon aside from Gardevoir.

Although no Pokémon has been confirmed to have a Mega Evolution as Sun and Moon may most likely concentrate on Z-moves, such remains a possibility as far as the evidence presented is concerned.

Pokémon Sun and Moon will be released on November 18, 2016.