Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer Images Leaked (WATCH)

An emerging phenomenon in the film and TV industry is the trailer for a trailer. Now, jumping on that particular bandwagon is HBO's smash hit fantasy series "Game of Thrones," which released a series of Vines to tease the release of its upcoming Season 4 trailer.

The official Season 4 trailer will debut on Sunday night, however the "Game of Thrones" official Vine account, the social media app that allows users to shoot and share videos that are up to six seconds long, has released some official footage from the season 4 trailer in a series of 5 clips, all of which can be seen below.


They are pretty spoiler-free but apparently fans of the books will recognize a few key moments. For those who have only caught the show, they can look forward to seeing John Snow battling what we're led to believe are the Wildlings that he escaped from at the end of the third season.

Another shows fan-favorite character Tyrion Lannister, played by Peter Dinklage, shackled and marched into a hall in what looks like King's Landing. While the shackles were the first clue, the expression on the Imp's face leaves no mistake that he is not pleased with his current circumstances.

Daenerys Targaryen makes an appearance in one of the videos, looking rather shaken but the remaining three videos are quite vague. There is the Dragon Queen looking nervous, a few brief clips of a battle in the snow and the last one of a guy who appears to be very good with a spear. IGN notes that the final clip of the spear duel will be recognizable to those who have polished off the Game of Thrones books.

Have a look at the clips below and tell us what you think. Comment and share your thoughts with us below, but please note any book spoilers before posting.