'Batman vs. Superman' Movie: Cast Rumors Including Jason Todd And Kyle Rayner Could Be From Fake Script?

Rumors of new villains in "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" could be from a "leaked" fake script, according to Badass Digest.

The website claimed there is a script floating around allegedly belonging to the "Batman v. Superman" production. The script in question contained villains Victor Zzasz, Morgan Edge and David Cain, like the Latino Review reported on July 3.

However, Badass Digest speculated that the Latino Review's source could be from the same script they've seen which features the three villains Zzasz, Edge and Cain. Badass Digest claimed the script has many spelling and grammatical errors, along with plot points that are "too fan-friendly."

The script also allegedly contained characters Jason Todd, Kyle Rayner, Carrie Kelley and Thanagar. There is also a president named Diane Nelson, who shares the name of the president of DC Entertainment.

"Like I said, I'm on the fence about the legitimacy of this script. I trust El Mayimbe's network and the other information he has beyond this script, but something about the actual script itself...forces me to remain humbly skeptical," Badass Digest reports.

The "Batman v. Superman" production hasn't commented on the rumors, but director Zack Snyder has revealed the first official image of the Man of Steel from the upcoming film.

In an interview with USA Today, the director dished details about working with "Man of Steel" star Henry Cavill the second time around. Snyder admitted the more he works with Cavill, the more he embodies the character in his eyes.

"We've both created this guy and we can push him around a little bit," Snyder told USA Today. "The more time I spend with Henry, the more he's Superman to me."

"Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be released to theaters on May 6, 2016.