'Batman Vs. Superman' Movie Update: Kevin Smith Wrote Fake Script To Prevent Plot Spoilers? (RUMORS)

A fake "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" script was allegedly leaked to movie gossip sites to keep bloggers from spoiling the film, Movie Web source claimed.

Rumors began after the Latino Review reported three new villains would be featured in the film: Victor Zzasz, Morgan Edge and David Cain. Badass Digest claimed to have seen a script that contained the same information, but it seemed to "too fan-friendly."

The alleged script in question also contained numerous grammatical errors. Soon after Badass Digest published their take, Movie Web claimed a source came forward claiming the alleged script is the source of fake rumors.

"Early this year a Screenplay for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice which was commissioned by Warner Bros was leaked to several gossip sites," the source told Movie Web. "It was a scanned PDF of the entire screenplay baring a official Warner Bros watermark.

"This script has been the source of almost every leaked detail about the movie for the last six months. It has been posted on sites then quickly removed due to cease and desist letters from Warner Bros."

Movie Web's source claimed Charles Roven and Zack Snyder approached Kevin Smith with an early draft of the script. Smith allegedly came up with the idea to "leak" a script with information that was cut from the final.

"This script was distributed by myself and others to gossip sites and movie sites like aintitcool, latino review, movie pilot [and more]," the source said. "My job was to pose as a worker at Warner Bros who was leaking the screenplay."

The source claimed there was nothing "malicious" about the script fakeout, and was done in order to keep information from leaking ahead of the film's release. The "misdirect" was an alleged "strategy" of the production, according to Movie Web.

You can check out what Movie Web's source claimed here. The "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" production hasn't commented about any rumors relating to the film's plot or cast.