'Game Of Thrones' Video Game Will Cater To George R.R. Martin's Hardcore Fans (TRAILER)

Telltale Games’ “Game of Thrones” title will character to George R.R. Martin’s hardcore fans.

Writer Andrew Grant spoke with IGN about exploring Robert’s Rebellion a little deeper and coming back to the Starks. Fans who have read Martin’s novels will be familiar with the storylines in the episodic adventure, but not necessarily viewers of the HBO series.

“We left no stone unturned in terms where we might step our storyline. And of course as Game of Thrones nerds, the notion of doing Robert’s Rebellion sounded so awesome, initially,” Grant explained.

“I know a lot of people have commented ‘Wow, that would be so awesome to play through Robert's Rebellion!’ We chose not to do that, not only because it would involve characters that are new to fans of the show, but also to keep in mind that the storyline is still unfolding in the books and in the show. George still has that story to tell. So it wouldn’t entirely be ours to explore.”

However, it doesn’t mean the game is an overall departure from the HBO series. Developer Arthur Von Nagel also spoke with IGN about the title, revealing the Telltale team wanted to make sure they captured the essence of the show.

“We’re working really closely to match the show,” Von Nagel told IGN. “We have access to the music from the show we can use, and then Jared is doing his amazing work that he’s done with us for the past 10 years.”

Telltale told IGN, “anyone who watches the show will recognize the music immediately.”

The “Game of Thrones”-inspired title will be available on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, PC/Mac, iOS and “additional platforms.”