
Alabama Man Dies After Being Pepper Sprayed By Police

A man who was arrested by police in Tuscaloosa, Ala. died shortly after he was pepper sprayed and now investigators are trying to figure out why. Police said that a resident had called them on Friday night after the man was spotted sitting at a front porch with a gun in hand.

The man, who was identified as Anthony Dewayne Ware, 35, had an active warrant, which was verified for attempting to elude police, said Ronnie Dunn, the Police Assistant Chief in Tuscaloosa, according to CNN.

Ware resisted arrest when the police caught up with him and chased him through the woods. When he still refused, police pepper-sprayed him and were able to handcuff him after a struggle, said Dunn.

However, Ware suddenly collapsed while police were escorting him off the woods. Officers then tried to revive Ware with CPR and when they took him to a local hospital, he was pronounced dead.

Ware is the latest African-American suspect to have died while under custody of the police in the United States. Protests around the country have burst forth over claims of police discrimination, as well as use of excessive force when arresting African-American suspects, Agence France-Presse reported.

Ware's death is being investigated by the county's homicide unit, which is standard procedure for the agency.

Footage of the arrest was caught on camera. However, until the investigation has finished, that footage will not be released to the public.

Additionally, preliminary results of the autopsy will be released on Monday, the New York Daily News reported.

Alabama, Crime
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