Lindsay Lohan Cocaine Defamation Lawsuit Thrown Out By Judge

Lindsay Lohan's defamation lawsuit against Fox News Channel was thrown out of court by a judge in a New York court on Friday, according to Gossip Cop.

The actress, along with her mother Dina, filed the lawsuit against the news channel regarding the comments made by news anchor Sean Hannity and commentator Michelle Fields on the former's show "The Sean Hannity Show."

In an episode that was broadcast in February 2014, two days after actor Philip Seymour Hoffman's death, Hannity and Fields were discussing about which other celebrities could yield to take drugs, to which Field answered: "Lindsay Lohan's mom is doing cocaine with her," TMZ reported.

However, the judge quickly dismissed the case, simply stating that "truth is a defense." The judge also dismissed the case filed by Dina, reasoning that she's a public figure and that any defamation claims necessitate for comments to be made maliciously and the judge believed it was not.

While the cases against Fox and Hannity were dropped, it remains unclear whether the charges against Fields were dropped as well.

Lindsay had admitted to taking cocaine before, telling Oprah that she had taken it "10 to 15 times" and that she is not exactly a cocaine addict.

The former teen star had also said in a recorded conversation with her father Michael that her mother had done cocaine, according to the Daily Mail.

Lindsay lohan, Dina Lohan, Michael Lohan, New York, Sean Hannity, Fox News Channel