Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer Break Down: Top 7 Exciting Setups From HBO's Sneak Peek

HBO has released the first full-length trailer for the fourth season of its highly anticipated and immensely popular fantast series from creator George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones. The one minute 44 second trailer is packed to the brim with characters, future plot hints and monologues from some of Westeros' wisest. Below is our break down of some of our favorite and most exciting moments form the trailer.

It's worth noting going in that this review is written from a show-watcher's perspective only. No information from the books will be discussed or known, making this article entirely spoiler free.

Dragon Over King's Landing: The trailer doesn't even give you a second before slapping you with something jaw dropping. Those who have been watching the show will understand the significance of seeing a fully-grown dragon shadow flying over the capital city of King's Landing, where many believe the creatures to be extinct. Not only are they not gone but supposedly the only ones in the world belong to Daenerys Targaryen. Are her's finally fully grown? Has she finally reached the shores of Westeros to reclaim her family's throne from King Joffrey? (0:01)

The War is Not Won: Jamie Lannister may only have one hand but he's still got a decent two cents. For the first time since the early episodes of season one he finds himself in a room with his son/nephew Joffrey, who is boasting about his performance as ruler of the seven kingdoms.

"They know I saved the city, they know I won the war," he proclaims.

"The war's not won," Jamie responds.

This is true as Stannis Baratheon has had through time to lick his wounds and, although the white walkers are on their way, he's not on the Iron Throne yet, so why would he stop fighting? (0:07)

I don't think I'm talking my way out of this one: Tyrion Lannister is in chains. There's no reason why but it's no secret that things haven't been going well for the "half man" since his father returned to save the city from siege at the end of season two. While it's no secret that Tyrion's father, and hand of the King, is not a fan of his imp son, he would have to have really stepped in it in order to be placed in shackles. After all, he's still a Lannister. (0:40)

Does Arya have Needle?: I could have sworn Arya Stark's signature blade, Needle, was taken from her when the Lannister's captured her. She didn't use it at all in season 3 but she appears to have gotten it back. Maybe we missed something, or maybe she has another brush with the Lannisters this season. (0:59).

Tell Your Father I'm Here: Who is this mysterious stranger? He's with the Spider looking at the Iron Throne, he is really good with a spear and he seems to have a very particular interest in Tyrion Lannister. So far all we know about him is that he might have a grudge against the ruling family.

"Tell your father I'm here," he says to the half-man. "tell him Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts." (1:04)

Yay! Another Wedding: It'll be hard to top last season's grim affair, but it looks like the folks at King's Landing will be giving it the old college try anyway. Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell will be tying the knot. The two exchange looks in the trailer briefly that summarize their entire relationship - who is playing who here? Looks like we'll find out this season. (1:11)

Theon Looks OK: Theon Greyjoy did not have a good time last season. We'll spare you the details because, frankly we don't like thinking about them. However, in the season four trailer, it looks like he's found his way off of the Bolton's X and back into his armor. Either this is a flashback of some sort, or Theon is about to have another interesting season - hopefully a better one... or not, he does kill children after all. (1:24)

Watch the dense trailer below and tell us what you think. Did we leave anything out? Comment and share your thoughts on the new Game of Thrones season four trailer with us below.